Many people have contacted me about getting the msds sheets for floral foam products, and I have acquired a recent copy of the Smither's Oasis Floral Foam MSDS sheet so I will repost it here for you to view.  Some of it I had to reformat because it is copied from a pdf, so it may look slightly different in print. I have not changed any information other than formatting.

Page 1 of 5 SO-0013 SMITHERS-OASIS NORTH AMERICA 919 MARVIN STREET • P.O. BOX NUMBER 790 • KENT, OHIO 44240   MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET    Oasis® Floral Foam    SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION  IDENTITY  OASIS® Floral Foam DATE PREPARED       6/08/2009 SYNONYMS, CHEMICAL NAMES, COMMON NAMES  OASIS® Floral Foam USE:   Arrangement of cut flowers   MANUFACTURER'S NAME  Smithers-Oasis TELEPHONE NUMBER - INFORMATION  330-673-5831 ADDRESS  919 Marvin Street P.O. Box 790 Kent, OH 44240  USA EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER  Transportation emergency: CHEMTREC:  800 424-9300 International Transportation: CHEMTREC: 703-527-3887 Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center: 303- 623-5716   SECTION - 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION     EMERGENCY OVERVIEW     Green fine-celled thermoset phenolic plastic foam. May be irritating to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. May contain formaldehyde and/or carbon black. Prolonged exposure may cause cancer.    PRIMARY ROUTE(s) OF EXPOSURE Contact and Inhalation of dust.   IRRITATION DATA:  May cause irritation to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.   INHALATION:  ACUTE: Dust or fumes may cause irritation to the nasal passages, lacrimation, olfactory changes, and pulmonary changes. Inhalation of heptane fumes may irritate the respiratory tract producing light headedness, dizziness, muscle incoordination, CNS depression and narcosis. CHRONIC: Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde and/or carbon black may cause cancer. SKIN CONTACT ACUTE: May cause irritation. CHRONIC: May cause dermatitis. Frequent or prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can cause hypersensitivity leading to contact dermatitis. EYE CONTACT ACUTE: Contact may be irritating. CHRONIC: May cause conjunctivitis. INGESTION:  ACUTE: May cause mouth irritation due to local pH effect.  Swallowing formaldehyde may cause violent vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiration of heptane into lungs can produce severe lung damage. CHRONIC: Prolonged exposure may cause symptoms similar to acute effects.   MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE  None known.   SECTION 3 – COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS  HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS# % Acid catalysts Proprietary 8-12 % Barium sulfate 7727-43-7 2-3 % Heptane 142-82-5 < 1.5 % Formaldehyde 50-00-0  < 0.15 % Other components, if any, are not hazardous or hazardous components are present at less than 1% (0.1% for carcinogens).   SECTION 4 - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES INHALATION: Remove from exposure to fresh air.  If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration.  Oxygen may be given if breathing is difficult.  Get medical attention. SKIN CONTACT: Wash affected area with soap and water until no evidence of the material remains.  Get medical attention if irritation develops. EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids, until no evidence of the material remains.  Get medical attention if irritation develops.  If wearing contact lens, remove immediately and flush eyes as above. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Treat symptomatically and supportively.  If a large quantity is ingested, get medical attention since there could be a problem with physical blockage.   SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES  Flash Point:  Not applicable. Flammable Limits UEL:  Not applicable. Flammable Limits LEL:  Not applicable. Autoignition Temperature:  ~600°F. Extinguishing Media: Water spray, foam, carbon dioxide, or dry chemical. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Avoid breathing smoke.  Firefighters should wear full protective NIOSH approved self- contained breathing apparatus. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards:  Finished foam will support combustion if it is ignited by direct contact with an open flame or exposed to temperatures in the range of 600°F.  If foam is placed in a microwave for an extended period, it will begin to burn.  Combustion occurs at the center of the brick and due to the insulating effect of the foam, can proceed unnoticed until an appreciable heat buildup occurs.   SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Wear suitable protective equipment.  Reclaim or place in suitable container for disposal.   SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE Store in a cool, dry well ventilated area, out of direct sunlight.  Foam stored in stagnant or hot enclosures may result in off gassing of residual formaldehyde gas.   Wash thoroughly after handling.  Observe good personal and industrial hygiene procedures.  When foam is soaked or used in water, some low levels of residual formaldehyde may accumulate in tub water.   Repeated skin immersion in water containing formaldehyde has caused skin rashes, particularly in sensitive persons.  It is recommended that impervious latex or chemical resistant gloves be worn and water tubs be emptied regularly. SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION  A dust mask is recommended if dust is excessive.  Where airborne concentrations may exceed guidelines for permissible air concentrations, choose a respirator in accordance with OSHA Respirator Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. VENTILATION  Use general dilution ventilation to maintain exposure below the exposure limits. PROTECTIVE GLOVES  Use barrier cream or choose appropriate gloves in accordance with OSHA Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment Hand Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.138. EYE PROTECTION  Safety glasses are recommended or choose in accordance with OSHA Eye and Face Protection Standard      29 CFR 1910.133. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT  Not normally required. RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMITS  OSHA and ACGIH have not set exposure limits for this material.  .   COMPONENTS------------------ OSHA PEL --------------------ACGIH TLV  Formaldehyde                                    0.75 ppm TWA                             0.3 ppm CEILING CAS# 50-00-0                              2 ppm STEL Acid catalysts: inorganic acid      1 mg/m 3 TWA                             1 mg/m3 TWA CAS # Propriatary                                                                                 3 mg/m3 STEL Barium sulfate                     15 mg/m 3 TWA as Ba (Total dust)    10 mg/m3 TWA CAS# 7727-43-7          5 mg/m3 TWA as Ba  (Respirable fraction) Heptane                                       500 ppm TWA                                     400 ppm TWA 500 ppm STEL   SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES  Appearance:  Green, fine-celled thermoset phenolic plastic foam Odor:  None. Odor Threshold: Not applicable. Physical State:  Solid pH:  3.0 in 5% slurry Melting/Freezing Point:: Not  available Boiling Point:: Not applicable Flash Point:  Not applicable. Evaporation Rate:  Not applicable Flammability:  Will burn. Upper Explosive Limits:  Not applicable. Lower Explosive Limits:  Not applicable. Vapor Pressure:  Not applicable Vapor Density:  Not applicable Specific Gravity or Relative Density:  Not available Solubility:  Not soluble Oil/Water Coefficient:  Not applicable Autoignition Temperature:  Not kn9own. Decomposition Temperature: Not known.   SECTION 10 -  STABILITY AND REACTIVITY  CHEMICAL STABILITY:  Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID:  Stable at normal room temperature.  INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS:  Normally unreactive. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:  Smoke, oxides of carbon, and possible trace amounts of formaldehyde, phenol, cresols, xylenols, and sulfur dioxide. POSSIBILITY OF HAZARDOUS REACTIONS:  Will not occur. SECTION 11 – TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION  Toxicity studies on a similar compound indicate that the Oral LD50 (rat): >5000 mg/kg Primary Dermal Irritation Study in Albino Rabbits on a similar compound: Non irritant Inhalation LC50 (rat):  103 gm/m3/4H   Heptane TDLo (rat): 60 gm/kg/3W  Heptane: Changes in liver weight TDLo (rat): 260 gm/kg/13W: Heptane:  Changes in bladder weight; Changes in brain and coverings. Carcinogenicity: Formaldehyde has been classified as a Group 2A carcinogen by IARC, is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen by NTP, and is a suspected human carcinogen by ACGIH. Carbon black has been classified as an IARC2B carcinogen. Tumorigenic data (RTECS) Formaldehyde; barium sulfate; carbon black Reproductive data (RTECS): Formaldehyde Mutagenic data (RTECS): Formaldehyde; barium sulfate; green dye Teratology data (RTECS): Formaldehyde SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION  This formulation has not been tested for environmental effects.  It is a thermoset plastic and is not biodegradable.   SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS  Dispose in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Recycling is recommended. It can be cut up and used as a soil conditioner. Since it dries faster than regular soils, it can be used to aerate tightly packed clay type soils.   If discarded in its original form, material is not regulated by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as a hazardous waste. Passes TCLP test requirements.   SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION  Material is not regulated as a DOT Marine Pollutant Proper Shipping Name:   Not regulated. Hazard Class:   Not applicable. ID Number:   Not applicable. Packing Group:   Not applicable. Marine Pollutant:   Not regulated by 49 CFR 172.101. SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION  OSHA: This material may be classified as hazardous under OSHA regulations.    TSCA: All components are listed or exempt from listing on the TSCA 8(b) inventory.    DSL: All components are listed or exempt from listing.   EINECS: All components are listed or exempt from listing.   SARA Title III - Toxic chemicals list 40 CFR 372.65  Formaldehyde CAS# 50-00-0 <0.2 % Barium sulfate is exempt from reporting under the category “Barium compounds” (59FR33208)   SARA Hazard Categories:  Acute Health Hazard : Yes Chronic Health Hazard: Yes Fire Hazard: No Reactive Hazard: No Sudden Release of Pressure: No   CERCLA Toxic Chemicals List 40 CFR 302:   Formaldehyde RQ: 100#     A spill in excess of 66,000 pounds would require reporting to the National Response Center based on the maximum residual content of formaldehyde in the foam.   CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: The following statement is made in order to comply with the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer or other reproductive harm. SECTION 16 – OTHER INFORMATION  HMIS Ratings: Health                1 Flammability      1 Reactivity           0 where 0=minimal,    1=slight,    2=moderate,    3=serious,    4=severe European Risk Phrases: R: 20, 45    Key/Legend:    ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACGIH TLV: ACGIH Threshold Limit Values   CAS: Chemical Abstract Service CERCLA:  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CFR: Code of Federal Regulations CNS: Central Nervous System CPR: Controlled Product Regulations DSL:  Domestic Substances List EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer IDL: Ingredient Disclosure List NIOSH: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA PEL: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits RCRA:: Resource Conservation and  Recovery Act RTECS:  Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act TWA: Time Weighted Average WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System     The information and recommendations set forth herein are made in good faith and are believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation.  Smithers-Oasis makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liability from reliance on it.            


Floral Foam: Not so green &laquo; Gorgeous and Green said:

[…] Since people are having a hard time getting the msds sheets, I am copying and posting the msds sheet for smither’s oasis foam and linking it here. […]

Andrea at Mayfield Flowers said:

Thank you for this. People think I am mad to try and avoid floral foam but I am so glad to find you are doing just that!

Terre said:

I am a floral designer – 40+ years in the business – and after using the new Smithers Oasis Maxlife last August have suffered from severe contact dermatitis on both my hands to the point that the skin has peeled off more than four times since then causing horrible itching and skin to split, crack and bleed, and the pain from this has been debilitating to say the least! I called the company and they said they would research the matter after I told them I was concerned that there was no warning label of the formaldehyde contents and its health hazards. I never heard back until I called them again just recently and they tried to say I was allergic to flowers??? So I am pursuing other means of compensation. I have spent money on doctors bills, medications, bandages, cotton and latex free gloves and even had to quit my old floral job for a part time slower paced job in a floral shop but even that has not helped my hands heal. It has been over 6 months of dealing with painful and injured hands. So anyone using Oasis floral foam please demand a MSDS report on each box of floral foam you use and locate the hazards of this product! The formaldehyde is especially high in this particular product and I was not the only one employed at my old job that suffered from contact dermatitis handling the new Maxlife Oasis foam. It is the one in the red box!! Good luck trying to get a copy of the MSDS report for Maxlife foam.

Administrator said:

Thanks for sharing. For florists especially, our hands receive a lot of wear and tear, and are constantly in water, getting cut and chafed. I think that our hands are more at risk for soaking up bad chemicals than other people’s hands, not to mention our other body parts that get touched with those hands and our throat and lungs that breath those chemicals and carcinogens.
Something to think about when florists work with flowers that have been sprayed with pesticides, floral foam, chemical flower “food”, glues and sprays.

The Abundant Backyard &raquo; Blog Archive &raquo; 2013 Resolution-no chemical based floral foam in AB Floral Designs! said:

[…] specifications and indicates the product contains formaldehyde and/or carbon black.   It is a challenge to switch as the floral foam is considerably easier to work with.  To that […]

Just how green is floral foam? : floriography said:

[…] a product has a duty of care to their customers? If you’re interested in seeing the MSDS – please view this post over at Gorgeous & Green florist’s website. You might also find the comments very […]

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